I really appreciate you looking to share my photos and content with your audience. I love sharing my recipes with the world.
However, each recipe, with all its photos, original post and its translation, and other related material, requires lots of work behind the scenes.
Everything you can find in this blog has been tested, super-tested, polished, photographed and developed by me, Paula. So, as such, I ask for proper credit when my content is shared elsewhere. This applies to both the English and Spanish version of my recipes, and whether you want to share it in these languages or you are translating it yourself (or Google).
Only photos
You are welcome to share up to one photo per recipe when you share content from encasacookingspace.com.
I ask please that you place a link both to the recipe AND another link to my homepage. And if you want to be super nice and respectful of my work, you’ll also reference my full name in the image credit.
Example: Raspberry Bars with Chocolate and Walnuts Meringue, by Paula Delapenna from En Casa Cooking Space.
If you would like to use more than one photo, or for any other kind of use, please send me an email.
Only recipes
If you found and liked one of my recipes, and would like to share it on your own website, please rewrite the recipe in your own words, and use your own images. Then, I ask that you credit me in the recipe card or in the post copy, referencing my name and website.
Example: Inspired by the Cakey Dulce de Leche and Cashew Brownies by Paula Delapenna from En Casa Cooking Space.
I think even if you change a few small ingredients, it’s good practice to credit the source of inspiration. I’ve done that in a few of my posts, and I feel it’s respectful to the recipe creator.
Photos AND recipe
I appreciate you sharing my hard work, but want to make sure En Casa keeps being the main source for my recipes. So I don’t allow publishing the full content of my recipes.
Please contact me to further discuss how we can collaborate together.
Thank you for reading and checking this information. You are such a nice person!
If I haven’t answered your questions above, please contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Always remember that I own the copyright to all the photos present in this blog. That gives me the right to follow up on and take action against improper usage.